Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Welcome to my online blog!
Yesterday I submitted my draft proposal to Tasha after researching children's narrative books to get a better view on my topic. However here is the brief overview I emailed:

Typography for narrative children’s books

Aim: To research and analyse artists that employ the use of hand illustrative lettering for children’s story books, gaining a deeper understanding into this accessible alternative to straight typesetting. Generating this idea in order to get away from the image describing the story, but using type letters to illustrate it.

The project is to describe typographic features in children’s readers in order to help them visualize the story with their own fantasy using typeface; word and line spacing; line length; ways of showing emphasis and use of punctuation.

Research: Should include analysis on original font creators such as Eric Gill and the ornate stylings of David Jones, look into clean cut perfectly hand rendered type from the 80s (Neville Brody [and impact on illustrator rendered logotype]), and research modern pioneers and illustrators such as Marion Deuchars, David Shrigley, Sara Fanelli and Bruno Munari. Also look into existing children’s narrative books in order to understand the target age of children, whether the book is:

  • “Read to” : when the book is read by the parent to the child
  • “Read with” : when the child reads the book with the parent
  • “Read alone” : when the child reads the book alone

Impact: I hope that this will help me to understand identify when it is appropriate to use hand rendered type and also pick up a few tips on use of materials, letter form construction for children’s books. There are occasions when expressive typography contributes a welcome layer of visual enthusiasm that is impossible within the limits of traditional typesetting.

Sometimes the story demands that type, or lettering, simulate the sound, mood and even physical traits of words and phrases especially when the targeting audience is in the age of 3-6.

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